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Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Ara Pacis is the first work of architecture built in the historic center of Rome since the fall of the Fascist era. The space was designed by Richard Meier & Partners Architects, author of some of the most important museums of the second half of the twentieth century.The Ara Pacis is one of the finest examples of classical art. Its construction was passed by the Senate in 13 BC to honor the return of Augustus from the provinces of Gaul and Spain, where over three years the Emperor had consolidated the power of Rome and its staff, a trailblazer, founded colonies. The altar was built along the Via Flaminia, the northern boundary of the Campus Martius, but the nature of the flood and the flood of the Tiber, by depositing layers of silt over the area, soon led to the burial Altar, of which memory is completely lost. The reconstruction of the monument was decided in view of the anniversary, in 1937/8, the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Augustus.Entrusted archaeologist Giuseppe Moretti, it was physically realized in the summer of 1938 in Hall of Ripetta, built in haste from a project architect Ballio Morpurgo.Settled along the Tiber, the Ara Pacis risked being compromised by the inadequacy of its container, which could not be isolated from traffic, exhaust, overheating, moisture rising from the dust and then fatty acid that is deposited and on its marbles and the plaster.The new museum complex has therefore been designed in view of conservation of the monument, both from the environmental point of view both in the earthquake-proof system.
Lungotevere in Augusta
Rione Campo Marzio

Tuesday - Sunday hours 9.00-19.00December 24 and 31 9:00 to 14:00 hoursClosed Monday, December 25th, January 1st, May 1st

The ticket office closes one hour beforeInput Mode

Full price € 7.50

Reduced € 5.50

more info: http://www.arapacis.it/

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